Wednesday, December 17, 2014


     I strongly dislike homework, as most teenagers do. If a teacher says the work should take 10 minutes, it will probably take me 30. I prefer having teachers that check my homework, because if you know your teacher if going to check your homework, you are way more likely to do it. For me with most of my teachers as long as i try the work, and have completed most of it that are ok if i do not complete it all. Currently in school because it nearly christmas break i have about 10 assignments due and 3 tests in the next week. Obviously i will be unable to complete all the work, and i will have to have some of tests arranged to be completed after christmas break. Thankfully all my teachers use there email and allow me to submit assessments that way. Back on subject, currently i am focusing on my major assignments because they are worth like 30% of my grade and not my everyday homework.  I wish i had enough time to do it all but it is impossible for me. When i started high school i stressed myself out every night to complete my homework and hand in my assignments on time. I didn't watch tv or listen to music at all because i did not have enough time to. That did not work, by the end of my first year i wanted to drop out or be home schooled. Now i cut myself off, i do not allow myself to do all nighters because i just end up sleeping in class and getting nothing done the next day. I do what i can do, and i always try to do as much as possible. I have come to the realization that i cannot do everything and thats okay and there is no point in destroying myself so i can hand in a assignment on time. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

The Stupid Things People Say

You are so luckily to have a class that you do homework in?
Well there is a reason i take that class, its not like i just take it for fun. I usually hate the people in the class, and they usually dislike me. I am usually the only one that works, while everybody else just comments about how much they smoke, and comment about why i am working and trying. I only take it because i have LEARNING DISABILITIES.

You are so luckily to get extra time?
Again there is a reason why i get extra time. It takes to longer to write or type. It takes me longer to read, plus i usually highlight while i am reading. I have horrific memory. It takes me longer to under stand what i have read. Every thing takes me longer, even with extra time i do not always have time to proof read my work, plus i can't proof read my work because i will probably not pick up my mistakes.

Dyslexia, so you just read things backwards?
Like really, it is better to say nothing. I usually just respond; well it is more than that, is different in every person, for me i have trouble reading, i am at like a 5th grade level, i suck at spelling, on a good day 3rd grade, and i can write but it takes me forever and nobody can understand what i wrote unless i type it.

ADD, what is that, or don't boys usually have it?
So i say that ADD is the same as ADHD just i am not as hyper. And i say that girls go undiagnosed with ADD/ADHD because many of them are not hyper, and do not act as boys do. I will also use the example of how i used to forget and lose focus when i was getting dressed and forget to put my pants on and when i went downstairs my mum would have to remind me to put pants on.

Why don't you read aloud in class?
Because i can barely read to myself, just kidding, not really. On the first day of class i make my teacher aware of my LD's and ask them not to pick me out to read. I have became very self conscious of my reading aloud over time, i have some speech issues.

These are just some of the many silly/ stupid questions i have been asked, in reference to my learning issues.

Sunday, December 7, 2014


      I have ADD. One effect of this on me is i an always twitching my leg or trapping my fingers; when i am in a large group it is fun to look around the room at who else it twitching and guess weather they have ADD/ADHD. I am medicated for ADD, i have always chose to be medicated, my parents always let me decide what was best for me. Once i began taking medication my life changed, i started to get good grades, school work was so much easier todo and it did not take as much time. I am affected by the common side effect of a decreased appetite and some trouble sleeping( i have always had trouble sleeping, unable to fall asleep, waking up early). One thing is i am 2 different people; there is medicated and unmediated me, my friends can tell when i am medicated. Once i am medicated i have become very sensitive to sound, when i hear somebody chewing there food i makes me want to punch them(i am not a violent person) the medication can also make me irritable. When i am unmedicated i cannot focus, i become a lot more jittery, i am louder, and i am more social. For me there are more pros than cons with the any of the meds i have tried, and i believe you should give children with add/adhd the choice to be medicated, but not to always force them. In the beginning me and my parents decided that i should not be medicated on weekends or during the summer, and i started and stayed on a very small dosage that lasted through school and gave time to do my homework. Being able to focus in school gave me the ability to chose what i actually liked to do not just hate everything because i could not focus on it.

Thursday, December 4, 2014


     Although i am dyslexic and have a lot of trouble with writing i surprising do not hate doing essays. When it comes to my school work i am a perfectionist, which has its pros and cons. Essays are another way to prove to my teachers that i am smart, that i bring a different persecutive and new ideas to the table. I treat my essays as my children, they are a full time job, and once they are done i am very proud of them. For some reason i like to show that i have a large vocabulary, but because i cannot spell i have to use a thesaurus to find out how to spell it by looking up the simpler version of the word and finding it that way or asking somebody for help. I enjoy being able to express my views, and support them; i tend to go above and beyond on ensuring that my work is over the minimum amount required. I have my paper and pdf version of my essay organizer and fill then both out, it may take weeks and require multiple revisions but i have to do it, or else i would have no clue where to start. I have it on my IEP that my teachers cannot take off marks for my spelling and grammar mistakes, which is a true god sent for me.  The problem for me is that i overthink my work, i put way too much time into my organizer and thinking how to make it sound more intelligent. I should really just write a simple version for my rough version and elaborate on it after. I enjoy putting my thoughts together and it ending up being a six page essay. I feel an immense sense of joy and pride; especially when i do well.